A guide to getting started in LastQuakers

Welcome to the LastQuakers community!

LastQuakers is a forum dedicated to earthquakes around the world and to people who feel them and/or are interested in them. Here we discuss earthquakes, volcanoes, science, risk reduction, in a friendly atmosphere.

Here is some information to get you started in the forum!

Your account:
If you can read the contents freely, to participate you will need to create an account, don’t worry, it’s free.

Change the language:
To change the language of the interface, click on your profile at the top right of the screen, select “preferences” then click on “interface” at the bottom of the left column. You will then be able to select the language of your choice.

Create a topic :
The LastQuakers forum is yours! Here you are free to create discussion topics that interest you and that will allow you to find the answers to the questions you are asking yourself.
To do this, simply click on “create a topic” and then select which category the topic belongs to. It is important for the good of the forum and other users to reference the topic correctly.

  • (1) per language and
  • (2) by theme (risk, science, LastQuake question, etc.).

Then you can add a label for more precision on your topic of discussion.