Why seismologists need pictures and comments 📸

In 1906, a magnitude 7.9 earthquake struck San Francisco, destroying much of the city and killing as many as 3,000 people, making it one of the deadliest earthquakes in history. But it also gave birth to modern American earthquake science. Now, researchers are trying to understand the quake using cutting-edge techniques—and some old documents.

You can read the full story here : How Scientists Used a 1906 Photo to Find the Center of San Francisco's Most Infamous Earthquake

Even nowadays seismic instruments are not sufficient to understand all the effects of an earthquake that’s why we need your pictures and comments!

You can leave them :


You’re wondering what we’re doing with your comments and pictures ? Here’s an example for zagreb earthquake: https://bit.ly/2Z1bQ1W

We worked withe EEFIT mission and they used all comments and pictures to try to understand where damage appear, where stress and anxiety is the more intense… and many other things !

Check it out :smiley:

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